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Marcel Paques


Marcel Paques

Ghent University, Belgium

Marcel Paques is a food science innovator and independent expert in Structure – Function relationships of foods. He retired early in 2018 following a 30+ year R&D career in the food industry (FrieslandCampina, Unilever: senior research specialist/principal scientist, program leader, expert, advisor, and assessor). He graduated in biology at the Utrecht University, and obtained his PhD (Structure-function relationships of foods as complex adaptive systems: the complexity of steering sensory perception) at Ghent University. Since 1995 he has been active in the Executive Board and Scientific Committee of the Food Structure & Functionality Forum. He published 28 scientific papers and book chapters, is inventor of over 11 patents, book editor, and member of the editorial board of the Journal Food Structure. Is invited speaker at (inter)national events, invited consultant on ad hoc basis by governmental, funding organizations, and universities.