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Dr. Meagan Deming


Meagan Deming

University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore MD, USA

Dr. Meagan Deming is a board-certified Infectious Disease specialist with a primary research interest in respiratory viruses, including coronaviruses and influenza. She earned her MD & PhD at the University of North Carolina studying SARS-coronavirus vaccine strategies and antibody neutralization. She has served as a covering physician for COVID-19 vaccine and therapeutic clinical trials, including helping to lead the ‘Mix and Match’ trial studying delayed heterologous SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Currently an assistant professor at the University of Maryland Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health, she is an active investigator in the CIVICs network, working on an influenza challenge study as well as influenza vaccine clinical trials, and is PI for the 'SNIFF study' exploring asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections after vaccination.