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Elsevier print terms and conditions

Elsevier terms and conditions of supply

1. Applicability

These terms and conditions shall apply to all offers, proposals and agreements made between Elsevier and any third party or its agent (“the Client”) relating to the products and/or services of Elsevier (“the Products and/or Services”) and, along with the relevant Elsevier order acknowledgement, shall form the entire agreement between the parties (the “TC”). They supersede any previous supply terms and conditions. For the purposes of the TC ‘Elsevier’ shall mean the company within the Elsevier group that is providing the Products or Services as set out on the Elsevier order acknowledgement or invoice. Where general terms and conditions of business are proposed by the Client, these shall not apply and the TC will prevail. Any variation to the TC and any representations about the Products and Services shall have no effect unless expressly agreed in writing and signed by an authorised signatory of Elsevier. Nothing in the TC will exclude or limit Elsevier's liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.

2. Offer and acceptance/ description

Each order for the Products and Services by the Client from Elsevier shall be deemed to be an offer by the Client to purchase the Products and Services subject to the TC. No order placed by the Client shall be deemed accepted until a written acknowledgement of order is issued by Elsevier or (if earlier) Elsevier delivers the Products or issues the invoice to the Client or commences performance of the Services for the Client. All product orders are accepted subject to availability of the ordered Products. Unless otherwise expressly agreed by Elsevier in writing, Client represents and warrants that it is purchasing Products or Services from Elsevier for its own account and use and not on behalf of any other person or entity. If Client is an agent, it represents and warrants that it is purchasing the Products and Services from Elsevier for the account and use of no more than one identified institutional subscriber as principal or, if the agent is permitted to order personal subscriptions in a representative capacity, for the account and use of no more than one identified eligible individual subscriber for valid personal use. Client acknowledges that violation of this representation and warranty will cause irreparable harm to Elsevier. Upon any violation of this representation and warranty, Elsevier shall be entitled to immediate injunctive relief requiring Client to disclose all recipients of Elsevier Products and Services from Client, including all actual recipients that have not been previously properly identified by Client. Elsevier shall use commercially reasonable efforts to comply with descriptions of the Products and Services agreed by both parties in the relevant order, including such things as format, printing processes, technical design, size and kind of address file, weights and the like. All drawings, descriptive matter, specifications and advertising issued by Elsevier and any descriptions or illustrations contained in Elsevier's catalogues or brochures are issued or published for the sole purpose of giving an approximate description of the Products and Services described in them. They will not form part of the TC. Publishing errors, including, but not limited to, typographical errors, having no significant effect on the editorial content or design characteristics of the Products and Services, cannot be considered a reason for rejecting delivery or, as the case may be, modifying the agreed price.

3. Execution and modification of the order

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4. Rates and prices

Unless otherwise agreed by Elsevier in writing the price/rates for the Products shall be those set out in Elsevier's current price/rate list (whether print or online). All such prices/rates shall be exclusive of any handling, packing, loading, freight, transport and insurance charges unless otherwise agreed in writing, and shall also be exclusive of any taxes, import duties or other levies imposed on the sale or import of the Products by local or national authorities, which shall be charged by Elsevier as appropriate. Where applicable, Client shall provide its VAT registration number or other evidence of tax exemption to Elsevier at the time of placing its order. If, under the laws of the territory in which Client is selling the Products, the Client is required to withhold any tax on the amounts payable to Elsevier under the TC, then the amount of the payment will be automatically increased to fully offset such tax, so that the amount actually remitted to Elsevier, net of all taxes, equals the amount invoiced or otherwise due. The Client will promptly furnish Elsevier with the official receipt of payment of those taxes to the appropriate taxing authority. All financial transactions must be settled in the currency of the applicable Elsevier invoice. The Client will be solely responsible at its own cost for completing any foreign exchange-related procedures in the said territory that are necessary to make payments to Elsevier under the TC, including without limitation all bank charges and foreign exchange charges.

5. Payment

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payments shall be effected within thirty (30) days of the invoice date in the currency invoiced. Time for payment shall be of the essence. Elsevier may set and vary credit limits for any Client account and shall be entitled to refuse to supply any Client who has exceeded its current credit limit. Legal and beneficial title in any tangible Products supplied by Elsevier to the Client shall remain with Elsevier until Elsevier has received in full (in cash or cleared funds) all sums due to it in respect of the Products and all other sums which are or which become due to Elsevier from the Client on any account. The Client may resell the Products before ownership has passed to it provided that any sale shall be effected in the ordinary course of the Client’s business at full market value and any such sale shall be a sale of Elsevier's property on the Client’s own behalf and the Client shall deal as principal when making such a sale. Elsevier shall be entitled to recover payment for the copies of the Product notwithstanding that ownership of any of the copies of the Product has not passed from Elsevier. For the avoidance of doubt no intellectual property rights in any Elsevier Products shall transfer to the Client. Products shall be at the Client’s risk as from delivery. The Client shall make all payments due under the TC without any deduction whether by way of set-off, counterclaim, discount, abatement or otherwise unless the Client has a valid court order requiring an amount equal to such deduction to be paid by Elsevier to the Client. From the due date of the invoice to the date of payment in full, interest at the rate of 1% may be charged to the Client on a monthly basis for any sums outstanding, together with any collection fees incurred by Elsevier. If the Client wishes to dispute any invoice (or part), the Client shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than the due date of such invoice, send full details of such dispute to Elsevier in writing. The Client shall remain liable for any undisputed part of such invoice. Elsevier shall be entitled, at any time, to demand payment in advance and may suspend performance of its obligations arising from the TC until such advance payment has been received. Where the Client is indebted to Elsevier for any other Product or Service under any other order, Elsevier reserves the right to withhold supply of the Products or Services under the current order until any outstanding monies are fully paid. Elsevier shall be entitled to apply any monies received by the Client, to clear any of the Client’s outstanding debts to Elsevier.

6. Distribution

The Client shall not engage in piracy, reproduction, or plagiarism of the Products or any other products of Elsevier or its affiliates, nor shall it directly or indirectly facilitate any other party to engage in those activities. The Client shall promptly notify Elsevier if it becomes aware of any piracy, reproduction, or plagiarism of the Products by any third party. The Client is solely responsible for collecting from its customers amounts due in respect of its sales of the Products, exercising full credit control and solely bearing all of its own losses resulting from any uncollected amounts. Delays or failures in obtaining such payments will not affect the Client’s obligation to make payments to Elsevier under clause 5.

7. Intellectual property

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8. Liability and claims

TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY RELEVANT LAWS (i) Elsevier shall not be liable for any of the following losses which may arise by reason of any breach of this TC or any implied warranty, condition or other term, any representation or any duty of any kind imposed on Elsevier by operation of law: (a) any loss of anticipated profits or expected future business; (b) damage to reputation or goodwill; (c) any damages, costs or expenses payable by Elsevier to any third party; (d) loss of any order or contract; or (e) any loss that was not foreseeable by the Client and Elsevier at the time this TC was entered into; or (f) any loss not caused by any breach on the part of Elsevier; AND (ii) NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY EXCEPT THAT RESULTING FROM ITS OWN NEGLIGENCE OR WILFUL INTENT OR THE NEGLIGENCE OF ITS EMPLOYEES OR OTHERS FOR WHOM THE PARTY IS LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE. NOTHING IN THE TC SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS CREATING AN OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFY THE OTHER PARTY AGAINST THE OTHER PARTY’S OWN NEGLIGENCE. ELSEVIER’S LIABILITY FOR ANY OTHER LOSS IMPUTABLE TO IT SHALL IN ANY EVENT BE LIMITED TO THE INVOICE VALUE OF THE PART OF THE TC TO WHICH THE LIABILITY ARISES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY RELEVANT LAWS ELSEVIER EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES ANY LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF ANY IMPLIED OR EXPRESS WARRANTY OF AS TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NOTHING IN THIS CONTRACT SHALL LIMIT THE CLIENT’S EXISTING LEGAL OR STATUTORY RIGHTS WHERE IT IS ACTING AS A CONSUMER. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this TC or the interpretation or enforcement thereof. The Client has entered into this TC in the knowledge that the liability of Elsevier is to be limited in accordance with these terms and conditions and the charges have been agreed accordingly. The Client acknowledges that a higher price would be payable for the Products or Services but for such limitations.

9. Force majeure

If by reason of labor dispute, strikes, inability to obtain labor or materials, fire or other action of the elements, accidents, power or telecommunications failure, customs delays, governmental restrictions or appropriation or other causes beyond the control of a party, such party is unable to perform in whole or in part its obligations set forth in this TC, then such party shall be relieved of those obligations to the extent it is thereby unable to perform, and such inability to perform shall not make such party liable to any other party. The party subject to an event of force majeure shall use good faith efforts to comply as closely as possible with the provisions of this TC and to avoid the effects of such event to the extent possible.

10. Audit

If Client is an agent, Client shall allow Publisher’s authorized representative at any reasonable time to have access to Client’s premises (or to arrange for Publisher’s authorized representatives to have access to other relevant premises) for the purpose of inspecting Client’s facilities, books and records to verify Client’s compliance with the TC.

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12. Cancellations & returns

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13. General

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Last revised: 23rd February 2016