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Digital Commons 期刊

Digital Commons 期刊 讓任何規模或類型的機構都能輕鬆出版和共享高品質的開放存取期刊,只需極少的努力或平台專業知識。


Digital Commons 期刊模組概述


Digital Commons 的設計旨在讓 Google、Google Scholar 和 Bing 等搜尋引擎(搜尋引擎優化)準確、高排名地發現資訊。 此外,我們的設計團隊與每位編輯合作,設計出反映貴機構品牌的專業設計,以最大限度地提高全球能見度。

Journal of Maine Medical Center page preview


Digital Commons 儀表板顯示一流的隨選讀者指標和分析,可篩選、匯出和分享。 先進的演算法消除了虛高的讀者人數和下載次數,確保報告的可信度。

Bubble map

「從一開始,Digital Commons 團隊就給予了我們極大的支持和熱情。沒有他們的支持,《International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage》期刊根本無法出版。」


Dr. Kevin Griffin, Technological University Dublin


Kevin Griffin

都柏林理工大學,其期刊已被 Scopus 收錄

Professional tools to simplify your journal management

Digital Commons Journals reduces administrative burdens and speeds up publication times. Its professional tools for submission, peer review, and task management simplify processes, ensuring easy tracking of communications.

Automated reminders and an intuitive interface boost efficiency. With a single gateway to your publishing program, editors can focus more on core tasks like attracting and editing content.

Zoom Agenda Digital Commons Publishing Services

Boost your journal with our comprehensive Consulting Services support

  • Professional Designs: Our Design team can transform your existing journal design for Digital Commons or create a new, professional look with annual redesign available upon request.

  • Configurable Peer-Review System: Say goodbye to tracking in Excel. Our consultants will configure peer-review tools to streamline the submission process, sending requests and automated reminders to reviewers, ensuring efficient progress towards final decisions.

  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs): If your journal meets program criteria, we can automatically register DOIs for your journal content at the time of publication, tailored to your journal’s preferences.

A man typing on his laptop
Tips for Making Your University’s Journal Publishing Program Shine: Seven DOs and Three DON’Ts Case study thumbnail

Case Study: Tips for Making Your University’s Journal Publishing Program Shine: Seven DOs and Three DON’Ts

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HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine

Journal on an IR

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HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine  Logo

Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies (JCAS)

Journal on an IR

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Universitas Indonesia

Multi-journal site

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Universitas Indonesia Logo

Patient Experience Journal (PXJ)

Premier journal

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Patient Experience Journal (PXJ) Logo

Asia Marketing Journal (AMJ)

Premier journal

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Asia Marketing Journal (AMJ) Logo

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