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Empower academic success

Connect instructors and students with the interdisciplinary depth and breadth of information they need to be successful in their scholarship and beyond. 

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Students sitting together looking at a laptop

A resource-rich, interdisciplinary discovery platform

Scopus helps instructors and students of all levels discover and evaluate scholarly articles, books, conference proceedings and authors in more than 240 disciplines and growing. Scopus supports curricula that cover historic, groundbreaking science (dating back to 1788) to the most current new and novel approaches in emerging disciplines. 

Sharpen scholarship skills

Support information literacy development, instill critical thinking skills, and sharpen subject-specific and interdisciplinary scholarship with a resource that easily embeds into existing student workflows. 

Use Scopus to show students how to effectively… 

  • work with an abstract and citation database 

  • search for relevant and authoritative sources on a topic 

  • cite sources in their own work 

  • identify leading authors in a field 

  • recognize the top sources in a field 

  • perform reviews, from critical and literature, to scoping and systematic 

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A man captivates an audience with his engaging lecture

Enable instructors and students with unmatched content, data quality, search and analytical tools

As a leading library-provided resource, Scopus puts librarians center-stage with instructors and students. Show them how you can help them to…: 

  • Get seamless access to unmatched cross-disciplinary content from anywhere, anytime and on any device 

  • Boost information literacy with easy-to-read signals, including metrics and indicators, that help students identify trusted information sources 

  • Enhance student and teacher workflows with embedded content sources that complement other trusted sites and databases 

  • Understand the scholarly conversation of a topic through reference lists and cited articles 

  • Keep curricula and syllabus up-to-date through alerts to the latest publications and other embedded, time-saving tools, such as saved searches and lists 

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"... having a database as inclusive and interdisciplinary as Scopus is invaluable to us."

Headshot of Bruce Abbott


Bruce Abbott

美國加州大學戴維斯分校 Blaisdell 醫學圖書館健康科學圖書館員

Read how librarians use Scopus to promote educational excellence at their institutions

University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC):

UNMC’s librarians  打開新的分頁/視窗encourage their students and researchers to leverage Scopus at every stage of their careers.

University of Nebraska Medical Center case study

University of California, Davis Health Care:

Bruce Abbott, health librarian at UC Davis Health 打開新的分頁/視窗, discusses Scopus as his go-to database for systematic reviews.

University of California case study

Give students access to greater depth and breadth of authoritative information. Offer them Scopus.
