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Media overview

Submitting video content to be included within the body of an article

Authors who have video and/or audio clips that they wish to submit with their article are strongly encouraged to include these within the body of the article. This can be done in the same way as a figure or table by referring to the multi-media content and noting in the body text where it should be placed with its associated caption.

Please note: Since video and audio cannot be embedded in the print version of the journal, the author should provide text for both the electronic and the print version for the portions of the article that refer to the multimedia content.

All submitted files should be properly labelled so that they directly relate to the file's content. This will ensure that the files are fully searchable by users.

Submitting multimedia as supplementary data

If the content being submitted is truly "supplementary" (not essential to the content of the article or only of supplementary interest to the reader), it can be included as Supplementary Content, i.e., accessible only electronically via an active link in the article.

Note: Multimedia files included as Supplementary Content should be referred to at an appropriate place in the text. If this is not done, any Supplementary Content will be referred to in an appendix without specifying exactly what it is.

Supplying thumbnail images

For videos, authors should choose a relevant frame still (thumbnail) from the actual video clip that they feel is representative of the content of the video. This will be used as an image that ScienceDirect users can click on to start playback of the video. This should be done at the time of the initial submission of the file to ensure a smooth workflow through production. The still  image should have the same pixel dimensions as the source video file.

For audio clips, authors can optionally include a thumbnail image that they feel is representative of the content of the audio clip. For example, a photograph of a bird could be used for a sound clip of bird song.