Óscar Fernández, Oncology Nurse Fuenlabrada University Hospital, Madrid (Spain)
Please briefly describe your role within your organization.
My name is Óscar Fernández, I am a nurse at the Oncology Service of the Fuenlabrada University Hospital, Madrid, Spain, an expert in Emotional Care and on the front line throughout this pandemic.
What are the three key challenges in accessing evidence-based information within your institution?
Ensuring that all professionals can access resources, know the importance of searching for evidence, and can do so regardless of their status or specialty is the main challenge. Being able to obtain information bases with wide coverage in several magazines, books, as well as work areas is also vitally important. Finally, discern the levels of evidence and make them useful in practice.
What are the key challenges in being able to apply Evidence-Based Nursing?
We, nurses, investigate more every day. We are very interested in being able to argue effectively and efficiently in each of our actions. That is why we go to databases to search for evidence within nursing. Strengthening our interventions and improving our capacities as well as generating new areas of work can only be achieved from scientific evidence and the visibility of nursing care.
From your perspective, what are the main benefits of using ClinicalKey for Nursing?
Firstly, the information it contains, not just nursing. This allows us to access many publications, raising different perspectives on many topics. On the other hand, there is the ease of searching with simple concepts, the variety of results from articles to book chapters, and to standardized recommendations for patients or illustrative images. The inclusion of magazines in a multitude of languages facilitates the vision of the studies in very different places and how we access them. Despite how reluctant we are to read in other languages, we are increasingly open to them and use computer applications and other resources that facilitate their translation and understanding.
Do you think that ClinicalKey for Nursing can improve clinical decision-making? If so, how
Making the role of Nursing to serve its own entity and giving it the importance, it has. How? By Allowing access to exclusive and inclusive content to magazines and books worldwide with strong scientific evidence and making the different ways of working visible through their search engines. Knowing the other professionals, I work with, experiences allows us to open new fields of work. Scientific nursing decisions are based on knowledge and research. The arguments are born from the conclusions of nursing studies and publications. Every day there are more and more access systems for them. For this reason, decision-making can be argued and defended, strengthening the autonomy capacity of nursing.
In the practice of clinical nursing, how do you think digital resources can help? Is there sufficient availability?
In my institution, the Library service encourages the digitalization of resources in a very active way and their availability. It facilitates access, bibliographic searches, advice, and teaching in very varied subjects in relation to access, search, and interpretation of the results obtained in the searches. In many institutions, this is not the case. Nurses are committed to the development and research of the profession itself. Digital resources, at present, are a window to the world of evidence, acquiring an essential role in our daily work. Every day there are more voices of research nurses who promote professional activities based on scientific criteria and embark on macro studies to generate results that shed light on our actions. Although they are still little considered and recognized. Digital resources facilitate access from the most remote places and generate an exchange of opinions and ideas, allowing them to be a showcase for innovation and the profession. In relation to ClinicalKey for Nursing, I really like the platform. I already knew ClinicalKey, so ClinicalKey for Nursing means for me the plus of bringing nursing evidence specifically. Many areas of nursing are not considered since they are poorly developed or cannot be published in certain journals due to the type of studies they cover. I believe that ClinicalKey has done something very positive in including a specific section for nursing and its value, regardless of whether you are a nurse or not, to all professionals. The arguments are born from the conclusions of nursing studies and publications. Every day there are more and more access systems to them. For this reason, decision-making can be argued and defended, strengthening the autonomy capacity of nursing

Step forward: ClinicalKey - Óscar Fernández, Oncology Nurse Fuenlabrada University Hospital, Madrid, (Spain)
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