Des Kidd, M.D., SMO radiologist, Taranaki District Health Board and Pacific Radiology (New Zealand)
Please briefly describe who are you and your institution.
Des Kidd, M.D., SMO radiologist. I currently work for the Taranaki District Health Board and Pacific Radiology Group, both in New Zealand. I also do work for my company, Pure Source Radiology, and a few small private ultrasound companies.
What was life like before you had STATdx? OR What problems were you attempting to solve with STATdx?
Life was search engine centric, culling through various forms of info to find relevant parts. It was more time-consuming and cumbersome, so over time radiologists just gradually migrate away from studying or refining DDX. Also, there was no consensus on HQ for such clinical queries. Other sites were helpful but less comprehensive and non-radiology based
What are three benefits that you’ve experienced since using STATdx?
The positive changes in my work since adopting STATdx are:
First, I use it for reassurance that my brain is working normally by confirming my DDX approach. I try not to even look at STATdx until the report is nearly complete. Occasionally, I poach some verbiage for the report so that my DX description is in line with the mainstream.
Having a single reputable resource that is comprehensive, user-friendly, and easily referenced among radiologists. This creates a common platform on which to consult and discuss the merits of various potential DX.
Tracking my queries and compiling it into a cogent CME log is so smart. I haven’t taken full advantage of this feature but plan to very soon.
How do you use STATdx in your day-to-day workflow?
The fact that it is browser-based / agnostic is appreciated. Our hospital IT is not cutting edge and viewing in the browser is much preferred over a thin client/ proprietary app on our congested servers, i.e. MS Office, et al.
What’s the primary reason that you would recommend STATdx?
As the complexity of everything about medical imaging grows, I need an assist in keeping it organized in a way that can deliver actionable info to the clinician. As a “generalist”, I use STATdx as a tool to keep my reports detailed in the right way.

Step forward: STATdx - Des Kidd, M.D., SMO radiologist, Taranaki District Health Board and Pacific Radiology (New Zealand)
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