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The future of research and higher ed

New approaches, perspectives and policies in higher education and beyond

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Featured story

Think LEGO towers, not ivory: How we can rebuild trust in higher ed

The founder of edX highlights 4 major issues with higher ed and how to “create a new reality … that puts the learner squarely in the center”

Quote card with Anant Agarwal, Founder of edX: "For Gen Z, the ivory tower is crumbling fast. Together, we just take bold steps to put learners at the center of the new future we are building in higher education"


Allan E Goodman is CEO of the Institute of International Education.


Allan E Goodman, PhD


Institute of International Education

Read more about Allan E Goodman, PhD
Prof Christine Ortiz, PhD


Christine Ortiz, PhD

Morris Cohen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | Founder, Station1

Dr Theresa Mayer is Vice President for Research at Carnegie Mellon University.


Theresa Mayer, PhD

Vice President for Research

Carnegie Mellon University

Read more about Theresa Mayer, PhD

This content is from Not Alone, a monthly publication that showcases new perspectives on global issues directly from research and academic leaders.