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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Partnering for action

No one organization can effect change on its own. Addressing climate change and the challenges it brings requires national and international collaboration. By partnering with a wide array of global and national organizations support and promote researchers working on climate-related research, establish research and health partnerships, and lend our support and expertise to global calls for change.

Group of women in Africa working on technology device

Working together to support researchers

As part of the scientific community we have a responsibility to ensure that climate research achieves the recognition, financial support, and impact it deserves. We work with researchers and organizations around the world to fund, celebrate, and promote research that drives policy and societal change.

Female researcher looking at scientific glass

The Elsevier Foundation: A catalyst for change

The Elsevier Foundation contributes over $1.5 million a year to non-profit organizations through partnerships which incubate innovative approaches, address inequities and catalyse change toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals. By leveraging Elsevier’s funding, networks and unique insights through trusted content, data, and analytics, the Elsevier Foundation supports initiatives focused on inclusion in research and healthcare, and climate action. 

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Playing our part in global action