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Bei Elsevier publizieren
Press release

Elsevier delivers enriched knowledge network on Japan’s leading research evaluation platform for enhanced evidence-based policymaking

Tokyo | 2. Oktober 2023

Elsevier, a global leader in scientific information and data analytics, today announces the successful delivery of a solution on the e-CSTIWird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet platform through a collaboration with The Cabinet Office (CAO), Government of Japan, for robust decision-making on Japan’s research-related policies founded on evidence-based information and data.

e-CSTI is a portal developed by CAO and launched in 2020 to promote and strengthen evidence-based decision- and policymaking in funding scientific and technological research as part of Japan’s Fifth Basic Science and Technology Plan. The platform is continuously enhancing and upgrading its analytic scope and capability in response to the evolving needs of Japan’s scientific and research priorities

Accessible to policy makers, research funders, university leaders and the public, e-CSTI analyzes the relationship between research input and output to assess the outcome and impact resulting from investments into researcher and university activities.

By integrating bibliometrics data from ScopusWird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet, the world’s leading abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature with journal records from J-STAGEWird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet, an online journal platform for Japanese learned societies developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency, Elsevier is able to deliver a more comprehensive, objective and accurate view of researcher profiles over the e-CSTI platform.

Naoaki Kashiwabara, Director of Cabinet Office, Japan, said: “The integration of Scopus and J-STAGE databases is a landmark development for e-CSTI, which has been in operation for three years. We believe that the upgraded database will make significant contribution by providing essential inputs for evidence-based policy making and corporate management to Japan’s science, technology and innovation communities.”

M’hamed Aisati, Vice President of Analytical and Data Services, said: “We are thrilled to extend our collaboration with CAO. Japan stands at the forefront of evidence-based decision-making, thanks to its e-CSTI platform. As a global leader in digital information solutions, we are poised to bolster CAO's efforts in shaping strategic priorities, guiding investment decisions, and shaping the landscape of research development policies.”

The solution involved the integration of 1.4 million records that generated about 0.8 million new researcher profiles, enriched 1 million existing profiles and created 9 million new citation links.

The enhanced e-CSTI platform delivers the following capabilities and benefits to key stakeholders engaged in the Japanese research ecosystem:

  • Provide government ministries, university leaders and administrators as well as research funders with insights into the impact of university research and the contribution from each unique stakeholder.

  • Analyze how the underpinning components are contributing to the research ecosystem, i.e., the contribution arising from inputs into research (e.g., funding), the outputs of research (e.g., research papers, patents); as well as providing an understanding as to how these components can be optimally managed.

  • Provide stronger evidence regarding the research ecosystem, thereby enabling a more effective and transparent process for improved policymaking. For example, using more comprehensive information to support the allocation of funding to future research activities.

About e-CSTI

Raising the research, educational, and fundraising capabilities of universities and other research institutes is extremely important to improving Japan’s science and technology capabilities. Thus, the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI)Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet has collected and analyzed evidence on the status of research, education, and fundraising at universities and other research institutes. e-CSTI (an evidence data platform) was then constructed as a means of sharing this evidence with relevant parties at the governmental, university, and research institute levels. It is expected that such parties will utilize e-CSTI data to pursue evidence-based policy making (EBPM) and evidence-based corporate management (EBMgt).

Media contact

Headshot of Jason Chan


Jason Chan

Director Communications, Asien-Pazifik


+65 6349 0240

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