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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Series Editor


Annemarie Schumacher Dimech

Program Manager

CAS Comprehensive Palliative Care, University of Lucerne, Switzerland

Dr. Schumacher Dimech is the Program Manager at the University of Lucerne for the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Comprehensive Palliative Care.

Her strong interest in mental health issues and caregiving started in Malta where she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in psychology. Later she studied health psychology at the University of Surrey (UK) before spending a few years working with children with mental and/or physical disability and their families. Annemarie moved to Switzerland in 2005, and obtained her PhD at the University of Bern. She worked as a researcher and teacher in the area of health and exercise psychology for over ten years. She serves as President of the WBP, where she oversees publications, fundraising, partnerships and organizing the biennial Forum.