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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Microbial Genomics

Aim & scope

The series aims to elucidate and validate the precise function of microbial products discovered in intricate environmental microbial communities in variable environments. This requires a closer examination of the relationship between metagenomics and bioinformatics technology. It will also continue to emphasize the advancement of several novel techniques, including structural genomics and metatranscriptomics, and the development of high throughput cloning techniques necessary to express the soluble protein effectively. The series will also provide knowledge regarding the ongoing advancements in metagenomics technology, which is anticipated to be the most crucial instrument for researching microbial diversity in the natural environment and searching for novel genes or physiologically active compounds.


Faculty, researchers, and postgraduate and undergraduate students at universities, medical research labs, who are interested in microbial science specifically related to the microbial genome, computing genomics, and bioinformatics approaches to understand the microbial adaptation and regulation of virulence gene function are most likely the intended audience.

Series Editor

Javid Ahmed Parray


Dr Javid Ahmed Parray, PhD, PDF

Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Environmental Science

Govt. SAMDegree College - Budgam, India

Weiterlesen über Dr Javid Ahmed Parray, PhD, PDF