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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Series Editor

 Morris Altman


Morris Altman


University of Dundee Business School Dundee, U.K

E-Mail Morris Altman

Morris Altman is the Dean of the University of Dundee Business School, Dundee, UK, and a chair professor of behavioural and institutional economics, and cooperatives. He is also an emeritus professor at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

He earned his PhD in economics from McGill University in 1984. A former visiting scholar at Cambridge University, Cornell University, Duke University, Hebrew University, Stirling University, and Stanford University, he served as an editor of the Journal of Socio-Economics for 10 years and is co-founder of Review of Behavioral Economics and is the founding editor of the Elsevier book series, Perspectives on Behavioral Economics and the Economics of Behavior.

Dr. Altman has published well over 100 refereed papers and twenty books in economic theory and public policy including, Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Economics for Dummies, Economic Growth and the High Wage Economy, Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, and Handbook of Behavioural Economics and Smart Decision-Making: Rational Decision-Making within the Bounds of Reason. Dr. Altman has also given over 150 international academic presentations on behavioral economics, x-inefficiency theory, institutional change, economics of co-operatives, economic history, methodology, ethics, and empirical macroeconomics.