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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Series Editor

Image of Robert McLeman


Robert McLeman


Department of Geography & Environmental Studies Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada

E-Mail Robert McLeman

Robert McLeman is an experienced scholar who researches the human dimensions of environmental change, a field in which water scarcity plays a recurrent theme.

McLeman has previously published a scholarly monograph entitled “Climate and Human Migration”, in 2014; he was lead editor of a collection entitled “Environmental migration and social inequality” and in 2017 published the Handbook on Environmental Migration and Displacement. Over the past ten years McLeman has served as a consultant to the World Bank and the UN Convention on the Control of Desertification and is a contributing lead author for the UN Environment program’s “Global Environment Outlook”. He is a former Canadian diplomat and has in recent years collaborated on research and policy writing activities with government agencies in North America and Europe and with multilateral agencies.