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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Series Editor

Image of Steve Mitchell


Steve Mitchell

Senior Lecturer and Associate Head

School of Civil Engineering and Surveying University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom

E-Mail Steve Mitchell

Steve Mitchell is a Chief Editor of ECSS and a Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering at the University of Portsmouth, UK. Before entering academia, he worked in a civil engineering design office and was involved mainly in coastal defense work in the UK and overseas.

He is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and has research experience of field work, data analysis and numerical modelling of civil engineering fluid mechanics and hydraulics, water quality and sediment transport processes, presenting at conferences and seminars worldwide, with over 50 refereed outputs to date. He recently co-edited a volume ‘Estuarine and Coastal Hydrography and Sediment Transport’ Cambridge University Press, 2017, with Reg Uncles.