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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Series Editor


Timothy Dransfield

Associate Teaching Professor

Department of Chemistry, Northeastern University, Boston

Dr Dransfield is Associate Teaching Professor at Northeastern University. He received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Harvard University in 2002, working with James Anderson in the study of the gas-phase radical reactions of the lower atmosphere. He also did his post-doctoral work in the Anderson group studying the oxidation pathways of small organic molecules in the polluted troposphere.

He then joined UMB in 2004, where he served in various faculty positions.His research interests blend computational chemistry with gas-phase kinetics and mechanistic studies, and the use of infrared spectroscopy to identify gas-phase and aerosol species. He has experience teaching chemistry to all audiences, from graduate students to health science majors, and has developed a keen understanding of the differing needs of different students. He led the team-taught graduate course on Green Chemistry at UMB several times, and oversaw the integration of a wide array of topics into the survey of the field.