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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Series Editor


Vadim Silberschmidt

Chair of Mechanics of Materials

Loughborough University, UK

Professor Vadim Silberschmidt was appointed to the Chair of Mechanics of Materials at the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Loughborough University, UK in 2000.

Before this he was a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Mechanics at TU München in Germany. Educated in the USSR, he worked as a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics and headed a group at the Institute for Geosciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences. At Loughborough, Prof. Silberschmidt heads the Mechanics of Advanced Materials Research Group and is Associate Dean (Research). He is a Charted Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering and Institute of Physics. He is also Editor-in-Chief of ‘Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Modern Processes’ (Springer) and a member of the editorial boards of journals 'Materials Science and Engineering A' (Elsevier), ‘Computers, Materials and Continua’ (Tech Science Press), ‘International Journal of Automotive Composites’ (Inderscience) and ‘Shock and Vibration’ (IOS). He has co-authored two research monographs and more than 350 peer reviewed scientific papers (including more than 200 journal papers) on mechanics and micromechanics of deformation, damage and fracture in advanced materials.