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Bei Elsevier publizieren


Portrait photo of Christopher Tancock


Christopher Tancock

Christopher Tancock has worked in STM publishing for the past two decades. He joined Elsevier in early 2006 where he initially worked on social science book projects before moving to journals. He has managed various portfolios as a journal Publisher including linguistics, history, education, sociology, and political science. He now edits Elsevier's Editors', Authors' and Reviewers' Updates and works on related communications projects. Chris has degrees in European studies and linguistics from Royal Holloway Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet and the University of Oxford Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet respectively and is based in Oxford. Chris is also founder of Pint of Life Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet, a free initiative whereby he has taught life-saving skills to more than 1,000 people in the local community and beyond.