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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Hrabowski: Transforming UMBC into a top STEM university

Baltimore | 28. Mai 2024

Von Rafael L Bras, ScD

Not Alone Editor Prof Dr Rafael L Bras interviews Dr Freeman Hrabowski, President Emeritus of UMBC (The University of Maryland, Baltimore County).

Hrabowski: Transforming UMBC into a top STEM university

With his unique history, Dr Freeman Hrabowski led UMBC to become a leading research university renowned for advancing minority students in STEM

Not Alone: Conversation with Leaders brings you the spoken words of leaders who have changed the world of research, academia and business. Dr Freeman Hrabowski Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet is one of those. For 30 years, he presided over the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet. The trajectory of that institution to a top research university — and its success in nurturing underrepresented minorities going into STEM fields — is legendary. In this interview, we learn how his upbringing and unique history shaped this extraordinary leader. Enjoy it.

This post is from the Not Alone newsletter, a monthly publication that showcases new perspectives on global issues directly from research and academic leaders.


Dr Rafael L Bras, Editor of Not Alone, is the former provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology.


Rafael L Bras, ScD

Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology School of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Editor, Not Alone

Weiterlesen über Rafael L Bras, ScD