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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Frictionless workflows: Optimising clinical practice and enhancing care with AI tools

6. August 2024

Von Rahul Goyal, M.D.

AJ_Watt /E+ via Getty Images

In today's demanding clinical landscape, integrating generative AI tools is essential for enhancing efficiency and improving patient care in primary care settings.

GPs are facing challenges such as high patient loads, workforce shortages, and time constraints that hinder personalized care and impact patient outcomes. As clinicians struggle to provide truly tailored care amidst demanding schedules, patient trust, treatment plan compliance, and overall satisfaction are at risk. To address these challenges, primary care professionals need empowerment through evidence-based information and best practice guidance that can be accessed within their workflows with minimal friction. Implementing clinical decision support tools can significantly improve workflows, enhance patient care, build trust, and improve compliance.

The adoption of AI tools, particularly generative AI, presents a promising solution to reduce workflow friction and support clinicians in making quick, accurate, and reliable clinical decisions. By incorporating evidence-based AI technologies into their daily practice, clinicians can optimize efficiencies, improve decision-making processes, and reduce friction in their workflows. Generative AI tools assist in diagnosis, treatment plan optimization, research assistance, and patient education, ultimately enabling informed decision-making at the point of care and improving patient outcomes. The promise of a frictionless future in healthcare lies in the responsible adoption of evidence-based technologies like AI, which can empower clinicians to focus on supporting their patients effectively and provide quality, patient-centered care.


black and white headshot of Dr. Rahul Goyal


Rahul Goyal, M.D.

Klinische Führungskraft

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