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Amy Gandy


Amy Gandy


Amy is Head of the Materials Science and Engineering Programme in the Materials Division at UK Atomic Energy Authority, and visiting Professor at the University of Sheffield, UK, supporting programmes developing high temperature, radiation damage resistant steels, non-metals including SiC/SiC composites, and novel nano-scale testing and modelling of irradiated materials. Previously, she held a Leverhulme Trust Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship in Understanding Radiation Damage Mechanisms in Compositionally Complex Alloys (2021 – 2022) and was Senior Lecturer in Nuclear Materials Engineering and Henry Royce Institute Technology Platform Lead in Advanced Characterisation to Understand Radiation Damage in Materials (2020 – 2023) at the University of Sheffield. She has over 21 years’ experience investigating radiation damage effects in materials, particularly in alloys and ceramics, with a current focus on developing novel materials for fusion power production.