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Bei Elsevier publizieren


Catherine Le Visage


Catherine Le Visage

Nantes University, France

Catherine Le Visage is a Research Director and the Deputy Director of the Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton lab in Nantes, France (www.rmes.univ-nantes.fr Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet).

She trained as a Pharmacist, received her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, and then performed a post-doc at the Johns Hopkins University (USA). She then joined the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research in a tenured position. Her most recent works as a group leader have focused on innovative hydrogels as i) carriers of cells or bioactive molecules in the context of IVD disease and osteoarthritis and ii) biofabrication tools for developing in vitro models.

She has been elected as a member of the TERMIS-EU Council, the French Academy of Pharmacy, and an International Fellows of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (FTERM). She is also an Associate Editor for Biomaterials (Elsevier).
