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David Harbottle


David Harbottle

University of Leeds, UK

David Harbottle is an Associate Professor in the School of Chemical and Process Engineering and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta. Trained as a Chemical Engineer (MEng, Leeds 2004), he has specialized in colloid and interfacial science, and rheology (PhD, Leeds 2008). He spent 5 years in North America at the City College of New York (US) and the University of Alberta (Canada), leading projects in the areas of chemical and structural characterization of asphaltenes, new chemical synthesis of functional polymers, and strategies for accelerated phase separation. Since returning to Leeds in 2014, he has established a critical mass of research in: i) suspension and emulsion rheology; ii) droplet dynamics on surfaces; iii) asphaltene science; and iv) functional polymers and membranes. He is an Associate Member of the IChemE and Energy Institute. He is an author of over 100 scientific articles, 1 patent and 3 book chapters. He was previously a Director of Rheokinisis Ltd., a technology start-up developing tools for online rheology measurement.