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Didier Dupont


Didier Dupont

Session 5: Improving health through food structuring

French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), France

Dr. Didier DUPONT is a Senior Scientist at INRAE who is actively working on the relationships between the structure of foods, their digestion in the gastrointestinal tract and the bioavailability of bioactives and nutrients. To reach this goal he has developed in vitro static and dynamic models and has performed in vivo experiments on animals (pig and piglets) and humans.

Didier DUPONT is the scientific coordinator of INFOGEST, an international network of more than 280 research institutions gathering 765 experts on food digestion from 59 countries (2011-present). He is the main organizer of the International Conference on Food Digestion (8 editions since 2012).

Didier DUPONT is also the coordinator of the French research infrastructure on Consumer, Food & Health (CALIS) that gathers 14 experimental platforms all over France.

He has written 189 peer-reviewed articles and 21 book chapters, has coordinated a book on “Structure and nutritional effects of food”, given 96 international conferences (64 invited). He has been nominated “Highly Cited Researcher” (Top 1%) in Agricultural Sciences by Clarivate – Web of Science in 2020 and 2021 and has been recognized as World Expert in Milk Proteins (Top 0.1%) by Expertscape.