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Bei Elsevier publizieren


J. Paul Chen


J. Paul Chen

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Dr J. Paul Chen has been a professor in NUS since 1998 after receiving his PhD from Georgia Tech. He has worked in the field of environmental/chemical engineering for over 30 years, focusing on R&D in: membrane, adsorption, AOP, heavy metals, resource and energy recovery, exhaust gas treatment, emerging contaminants, ecotoxicity, and mathematical modelling simulation. He has served as a PI or co-PI for over 30 projects. He has trained over 40 post-doc fellows and PhD students. He has authored over 150 research articles, most of which are published in several prestigious journals, such as Chemical Society Reviews, EST, JCIS, and Water Research with H-index of 71 and citation of over 18000. He has authored one book published by CRC and has six edited books by the CRC and Springer. He has 12 patents, four of which are commercialized. Prof Chen is in the editorial boards of over 20 journals and publishers, including journal Colloids and Surfaces C: Environmental Aspects as Inaugural Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Specialty Chief Editor, CRC and Springer. He has served as an expert for the review of research proposals for 20 funding agencies e.g., NSF, NSFC and RGC. He is in management committees of several prestigious professorial societies, such as Vice Chair of IChemE, and member of IChemE Congress. He is a Chartered Engineer/Scientist, and an elected FRSC, FIChemE, FIET, FIWA, and FIMarEST. He is an award recipient of the Distinguished Overseas Chinese Young Scholarship of NSFC and the IChemE Sustainable Technology Award. Prof Chen’s updated information is available in the ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9964-293X.