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Bei Elsevier publizieren


P.V. Aravind


P.V. Aravind

University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. PV Aravind is the Professor and Chair of Energy Conversion, University of Groningen. He did his MSc thesis research in the Section ET (TU Delft) on the topic “Generation of Electricity and Heat using Biomass Gasification, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) and Micro Turbines” and received his MSc. from University of Oldenburg, Germany. He then continued his PhD work at the same section (TU Delft) on the same topic. Later he defended his PhD thesis titled “High efficiency energy systems based on biomass gasifiers, SOFCs with Ni/GDC anodes and gas turbines” at TU Delft. Since then, he has been involved in the supervision of research activities related to the development of fuel cell systems with a special focus on Gasifier-SOFC integrated systems. He runs a laboratory for hydrogen and fuel cell systems and supervises several PhD students and post-doctoral researchers. He teaches courses on hydrogen, fuel cell systems and thermodynamics of energy conversion.