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Bei Elsevier publizieren


Shiju. N. Raveendran


Shiju. N. Raveendran

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dr. Shiju Raveendran is an Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam and is leading the research group of Catalysis Engineering. He did PhD in catalysis from the National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India. He has received then a Royal Society (UK) fellowship to work at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, London. After further postdoctoral stays at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA and University of Huddersfield, UK, he joined the University of Amsterdam as a faculty member. His research group focuses on developing sustainable processes for commercially important chemical transformations. He is the Editor of the journal, Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Action and also a member of the editorial boards of many other journals. He has obtained several grants from national and EU funding agencies.