
Xiao Dong Chen
Soochow University, China
Professor Xiao Dong Chen is Soochow University Distinguished Professor and Founding Head of the School of Chemical Engineering (2013-). He has advanced fundamental and applied areas such as Life Quality Engineering (LQE), in vitro bionics, drying, food processing, heat and fluid flows, and powder technology. Most recently he proposed the concept of Dynamic Human Nutrition. Has received awards such as Drying Technology Journal Award for Original Innovative Contribution (2023), X-Institute Distinguished Mentor (2023-); IAEF Lifetime Achievement Award in Food Engineering (2015), etc. He was a graduate from Tsinghua University, Canterbury and UNSW. He is a Fellow of Royal Society of New Zealand (2000-), Fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2007-), and Fellow of IChemE (2001-). He has delivered over 110 invited/keynote/plenary talks worldwide. Has by 2024 published over 750 SCI journal articles, over 230 conference papers, and several scholarly books. Professor Chen can be contacted at [email protected] Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet or [email protected] Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet