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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Interfolio sub-processors

Last revised: 10 May 2024

Elsevier Inc. has engaged the following sub-processors to assist it in providing the Interfolio service:




Alteryx, Inc

United States

Faculty Activity Reporting data loads

Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL


Data center / Hosting Cloud Service Provider

Boldr, Inc

United States

Support related services

ConvertAPI, UAB


Document processing services

Sisense, Inc

United States**

Data analytics

Snowflake, Inc

United States**

Data warehousing

The Rocket Science Group LLC

United States

Email delivery services

* Interfolio installation(s) are hosted in the data centre selected by customers during implementation. Hosting is available in the AWS Ireland, AWS Canada Central and USA Northern Virginia data centres.

** Snowflake and Sisense data processing servers are located in the same country/region as Interfolio installations.