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Bei Elsevier publizieren
Nurse caring for patient

Clinical eLearning Nurse Orientation Video

Empower your nurses through engaging, virtual orientation

Save resources, increase retention and enhance quality patient care by creating an environment where nurses not only want to work, but want to stay.

Elsevier Nurse Orientation

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Elsevier Nurse Orientation


  • Promote evidence based practice through authoritative, virtual orientation courses

  • Deliver consistent, quality patient care through standardized nursing education

  • Create a culture of support with flexible, comprehensive, customized learning

  • Increase retention rates with engaging orientation that enhances nurse competence and satisfaction

Set a higher standard of care

Elsevier’s Clinical eLearning orientation courses are developed in collaboration with leading nursing associations such as, the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), Association for Nursing Professional Development (ANPD), American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN), and the Society of Pediatric Nurses (SPN). These courses provide immersive, customized education, and are available in a wide range of specialties. Plus, they can be easily integrated into your current program.

Help close the experience-complexity gap

By 20301, the global nursing workforce could be depleted by half likely impacting patient outcomes long-term.

The nursing shortage is growing. The experience-complexity gap is widening. Your nurses need the right resources to be prepared to practice quickly. An engaging orientation program will help create a positive, supportive environment. Empower your nurses to delivery consistent, patient care.