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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Podcast: Leadership Will Find You

In the third episode, authors of the graduate-level Leadership Trajectory Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet and winner of the 2021 AJN Book of the Year Award, discuss the importance of self-assessment & learning from personal experience. Through reflection exercises and documented methods outlined in their text, aspiring nurse leaders will gain further clarity to develop their interests and propel them forward in their career.

Our Nursing Education Insights podcast brings you the latest from leading nursing education experts

In the Nursing Education Insights podcast, our nurse educators, bestselling authors, and Elsevier partners provide helpful strategies and practical guidance as we decode and discuss today’s teaching and learning challenges including the use of predictive analytics to measure student success, how to teach students empathy as they assess patients in simulation, and key factors in writing your own NGN style questions.