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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Download the ebook "AI and the materials development race"

Complete the form to download AI and the materials development race: Five building blocks that will put your AI projects ahead.

Manufacturing, chemicals and energy companies are feeling pressure to innovate faster from all directions. Many organizations are in the early stages of integrating AI into their R&D, as it has the potential to accelerate materials discovery, monitor innovation across the market and optimize workflows.

However, for these investments in AI to pay off, organizations need to commit themselves to being AI ready. This ebook explores the various elements of being AI ready.

Download the ebook to discover:

  • The five building blocks for AI success

  • The value of comprehensive datasets, data structuring, data management - plus methods for achieving these goals

  • An in-depth 14-item checklist for successful AI adoption

  • AI success stories from Johnson Matthey and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Download today to explore the world of AI and materials development.

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