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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Article Advance

Looking for the best journal to publish your work? Want to make sure that you are reaching the right audience?

article advance hero portrait

Your paper, our priority

Article Advance is a new service that helps you find the right home for your paper – quickly and easily. We offer a seamless process from submission to publication that puts you and your research at the center.


Submit your paper, your way. Once.

You are in the driver’s seat. Submit your paper once and in the format and style that works for you.

  • Your Paper, Your Way: All we require for peer-review is a single file, with clearly identified section headings and figures / tables in line with your text. At revision, we will ask you to format according to the journal style.

  • Reference Formatting: We will format your references to the journal style at the production stage, as long as you provide complete and consistently formatted citation details in your references section.

Know where you stand.

The process is fast, simple, and transparent. We will let you know the status of your article, who is involved in the process, and what happens next.

  • Our dedicated Editorial teams work with authors to ensure you have supplied all required information prior to peer-review, and keep the peer-review process moving forward, so you get constructive feedback as quickly as possible.

Find the right audience.

We will help you find the best home for your paper. We will provide guidance and advice tailored to meet your needs.

  • Our Editors are committed to working together to ensure your work reaches the right readership. In some cases, they may recommend Transfer or “Direct Acceptance” to another journal within Elsevier's Oncology Journal Network. The choice is always yours. If you have a different journal in mind, our Editorial Team can help to reach out to that respective journal and help facilitate transfer of your files.

What is Article Transfer?

  • When you accept to transfer your paper to another journal, we will transfer all your files and any reviewer comments on your behalf. If your paper has already undergone peer-review, you will be able to upload your revised manuscript and detailed response to reviewers, before assignment to the new Editor.

  • The new Editor may then send your paper out for additional peer-review or decide that you have sufficiently addressed the reviewer feedback and fast-track your paper for acceptance.

  • You can find out more about Article Transfers here.​

What is Recommended Direct Accept?

  • For papers that have undergone peer-review, the Editor may recommend that your transferred paper is fast-tracked for acceptance in the new journal, pending minor revisions.

  • Some journals even have cross-Editor appointments to help facilitate these recommendations and make sure that your paper is successfully published, in the best journal, as quickly as possible.

Enjoy the benefits.

Receive discounts on future submissions to gold open access (OA) journals in Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network. If language editing is required, we will cover the costs.

  • Complementary Language Editing: We will cover the costs for any Language Editing requested by the Editor to help ensure your research is clearly presented to our international audiences.

  • Article Transfer waivers: For a limited time, will waive the Article Publishing Charge (APC) when your transferred paper is accepted in a fully Open Access journal.

  • Reviewer Appreciation voucher: Constructive, on-time feedback is critical to an efficient and effective peer-review process. With gratitude for our timely reviewers, we are providing a 30% discount voucher for publication in select fully Open Access journals within Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network

Participating journals within Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network

Elsevier's Oncology Journal Network

Article Advance supports a selection of journals within Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network. With over 50+ titles, including The Lancet OncologyCancer Cell, Annals of Oncology and European Journal of Cancer, our oncology network provides breadth and depth of coverage from basic to translational to clinical research, across all cancer types, with a wide variety of open access options.