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Research Intelligence solutions

Are you just starting out with Elsevier Research Intelligence solutions and don’t know where to begin? Need guidance to build your growing bibliometric expertise or get answers to specific questions? No matter your goals, we have you covered. On this site you’ll find resources for Scopus and SciVal subscribers including how-to videos, webinars, case studies, and more to guide you in learning at your own pace.

In addition, with Elsevier Customer Consultants you’re never alone. Customer Consultants are a vital source of expert information and are here to support you so please reach out. Contact information below.


Expertly curated abstract & citation database

Scopus introduction

Scopus introduction video

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Scopus introduction

Scopus introductory videos

How to conduct a basic search

Scopus video: How to conduct a basic search

How to save searches and set alerts

Scopus video - How to save searches and set alerts

How to analyze your search results

Scopus video - How to analyze your search results

Scopus author profiles: how they work

Scopus video - Author Profiles: How they work

Scopus author profiles: assess impact

Scopus video - Author profiles: assess impact

Data coverage and structure

How do I edit an author profile?

Scopus video - How do I edit an author profile?


How can I combine search queries in Scopus?

Video - How can I combine search queries in Scopus?


How do I make an alert for a specific group of authors?

Scopus video - How do I make an alert for a specific group of authors?


Research performance insights on thousands of institutions, worldwide

SciVal Introduction

Scival introduction video

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SciVal Introduction

SciVal introductory videos

Introducing Scival

Insightful analyses to inform research strategy and enhance research success

Video Introducing Scival

SciVal: Overview module

View the research performance of Researchers, Institutions, Countries and more.

Video SciVal: Overview module

SciVal: Benchmarking module

Compare and benchmark the research performance of anything in SciVal.

Video SciVal: Benchmarking module

SciVal: Collaboration module

Explore the collaboration of Institutions, Countries and Researchers.

Video SciVal: Collaboration module

SciVal: Trends module

Dive deeper into an area of interest.

Video SciVal: Trends module

Custom research areas

Create custom research areas from Topics

Video Create custom research areas from Topics

Researcher groups

Create researcher groups from a spreadsheet

Video Create researcher groups from a spreadsheet

Meet the North American Customer Consultants

As a Scopus or SciVal subscriber you have access to free training workshops. These can be general tutorials for broader audiences, custom workshops for specific user groups, or sessions to help train super users. Contact your Customer Consultant to book a training session. Examples of workshops include:

  • Scopus Author and Affiliation Profile Curation

  • Advanced Search Queries in Scopus

  • SciVal for Research Facilitation

  • SciVal for International Intelligence and Strategy

  • SciVal for Centers & Institutes

Charity Elifritz opens in new tab/window

I joined Elsevier in 2017 as a Research Intelligence Customer Consultant covering the Eastern United States to advise in research management and analysis tools. I regularly consult research directors and managers on what they can do to improve their institutional research strategy utilizing Elsevier tools.  Before coming to Elsevier, I was a chemist with Sigma-Aldrich and then became the lead in business development for their Stable Isotope division.  I am a firm advocate of researchers helping researchers.

Charity Elifritz

Charity Elifritz

Linda Galloway opens in new tab/window

Like many of my colleagues, I started off as a chemist and then became an academic librarian. I am a Senior Research Intelligence consultant covering the Western US. In this role I help research leaders and professionals turn information into actionable knowledge. I am a strong advocate for the responsible use of research metrics throughout the analytics landscape. What brings me joy are family, animals and Scopus.

Linda Galloway

Linda Galloway

Eric Livingston opens in new tab/window

As part of the Academic and Government Custom Solutions Group, I am responsible for helping US Government Agencies, such as the National Institute of Health, leverage Elsevier technologies to achieve greater efficiency and productivity with regard to research, funding, finding and matching subject matter experts, and more.

 Eric Livingston

Eric Livingston

Vadim Sobolev opens in new tab/window

As a Research Intelligence consultant, I help research professionals understand their strengths, assess research potential, and develop strategies to attract best talent and increase funding. I’ve been with Elsevier for more than 15 years, and support the Midwest and Southern US. I have deep understanding of research intelligence systems and tools and enjoy my work with clients.

Vadim Sobolev

Vadim Sobolev

Research Intelligence Webinar Series

Empowered Collaboration: Strengthen partnerships across your research ecosystem

This Webinar series demonstrate how integrated tools and services can help you and your teams move toward shared goals with greater confidence.

2022 Canada & US SciVal and Scopus User Conference Series

The 2022 Canada & US Scopus and SciVal User Conference Series took place over three days. If you’d like to view any of the recorded presentations, please contact your Customer Consultant (listed above) for access.

Agenda: October 3, 2022

  • Developing and Evaluating Your Scopus Queries Bamini Jayabalasingham, PhD, Head of Research Analytics, North America, Elsevier Alexandre Bédard-Vallée, Research Analyst, Elsevier

  • Scopus & Pure Use Cases at Syracuse University – A Research Impact Perspective [Presentation starts at the 1:03:20 mark.] Emily K. Hart, MLS, Science Librarian and Research Impact Lead, Syracuse University

  • Scopus Data Fetcher: The Flexibility of Scopus APIs for Custom Analyses and Exports without Having to Code! [Presentation starts at the 2:15:10 mark.] Eric Livingston, Customer Consultant for Research Intelligence, Government Accounts, Elsevier

Agenda: November 15, 2022

  • Scopus Roadmap Isabel Butt, Senior Product Manager, Elsevier

  • Scopus for Early Career Researchers [Presentation starts at the 1:00 mark.] Emily J. Glenn, MSLS, Interim Dean, UNMC McGoogan Health Sciences Library

  • Scopus Connected: Combining Scopus with RI Tools

     [Presentation starts at the 2:15 mark.] Doug Feldner, Portfolio Marketing Manager for Scopus, Elsevier

  • Scopus Certification Program

     [Presentation starts at the 3:15 mark.] Helen Josephine, Global Cohort Liaison and Community Manager for the Scopus Certification Program, Elsevier

Agenda: December 13, 2022

  • SciVal Roadmap

    Chris James, Senior Product Manager, Elsevier

  • Entities Masterclass: What They Are and How to Get More Comfortable Using Them in SciVal

     [Presentation starts at the 1:10:45 mark.] Peter Darroch, PhD, Director and Portfolio Marketing Leader, Elsevier

  • Creating Researcher Lists for Potential Collaborators and More

     [Presentation starts at the 2:40 mark.] Tina Zdawczyk, Research Analyst, Analytical Data and Services, Elsevier

  • SciVal Certification Program

     [Presentation starts at the 3:14:38 mark.] Kyle Demes, PhD, Customer Consultant for Research Intelligence in Canada, Elsevier

If you’d like to view any of the recorded User Conference Series presentations please contact your Customer Consultant (listed above) for access.

US and Canadian Conferences

Elsevier participates in events across US and Canada. Stop by our booth to learn more about Research Intelligence solutions and new developments.


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