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Helping medical students succeed from education to practice

Empower medical students with engaging education that boosts efficiency and practice-ready confidence. Explore our interactive solutions and cutting-edge visuals to enhance the learning experience.

Medical student smiling in lab

Our products support medical student success from day one to patient one

How do we support a unique journey for every learner?

We strive to support student success across four key areas in the learning journey. Building on more than 140 years of expertise in content creation and delivery with engaging digital and print learning solutions developed in collaboration with medical, nursing, and education experts. 

  • Provide the foundation for success in medical school 

  • Advance knowledge with trusted content and the latest innovations   

  • Develop the confidence to transition to practice    

  • Support a lifelong learning journey and the healthcare community

Medical school professor using model to teach nursing students

Provide the foundation for success in medical school

Comprehensive information, optimised for effective learning. Virtual and visual solutions helping students absorb and retain information.

Recommended Products:

Medical Faculty Student looking at screen skeleton

Advance knowledge with trusted content and the latest innovations

Current, best-practice information puts medical students on the path to practice, including specialties.

Recommended Products:

Medical Student in lecture quiz question

Develop the confidence to transition to practice

Our efforts are aimed at making practice-ready clinicians with the knowledge and skillset to provide optimal care for positive patient outcomes. 

Recommended products

  • Clinical Cases: Practice with real-life patient scenarios in a risk-free space

Nurse bandages up a patient after taking blood.

Support a lifelong learning journey and the healthcare community

We strive to continually support medical students in their journey towards becoming the best healthcare professional possible.   

Recommended products

  • ClinicalKey: evaluate and apply the latest clinical guidance on rotations

Female surgeon operating on a patient