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Virtual Special Issue

There will be two virtual special issues related to Advances in Surfaces, Interfaces and Interphases 2022.

All authors of accepted abstracts and who have registered for the conference are invited to submit an article to a virtual special issue dedicated to the 1st Advances in Surfaces, Interfaces and Interphases 2022 in each journal: Surfaces and Interfaces and Results in Surfaces and Interfaces.

The journals will be open for submissions from 1 June 2022 until 31 July 2022 and the following links should be used: opens in new tab/window and opens in new tab/window. On the submission site the article type “VSI:SURF2022” should be selected. The Editors of both journals may decide to which journal each article should be published. The journals will be open for submissions from 1 June 2022 until 31 July 2022 and the following links should be used: opens in new tab/window and opens in new tab/window. On the submission site the article type “VSI:SURF2022” should be selected. The Editors of both journals may decide to which journal each article should be published.

The deadline for submission of abstracts has now passed.

Publication Opportunities: All authors of accepted abstracts and who have registered for the conference are invited to submit an article to virtual special issues dedicated to the conference.

Notes for accepted authors

At least one author of the accepted abstract must register to attend the meeting to present your work and answer questions. Only talks and posters of registered participants will be scheduled in the program.

Full guidelines regarding preparing your online presentation will be sent to you prior to the event.

Accepted oral presenters: you will give a live talk in parallel with your slides at a scheduled time and answer questions from our online audience. Subject to your approval the slides and a recording of your talk will be available on-demand after the live event.

Accepted poster authors: Present your poster alongside a 2 minute video and talk directly with attendees via scheduled 1:1 meetings during the live event. Subject to your approval your poster and a recording of your poster pitch will be available on-demand after the live event.

If it is difficult to present in person due to the difference in time zones oral and poster authors may submit a recorded video presentation for the live stream but we encourage live participation where possible to facilitate live Q&A with our live audience. Please discuss this option with the conference organisers if this is something you wish to take advantage of.

Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be included within the online abstract system which will be distributed to all registered conference participants.

For revisions or queries regarding papers already submitted

If you wish to make any essential revisions to an abstract already submitted, please email the Conference Content Executive opens in new tab/window with details of any revisions or queries. Please quote your reference number if you have one. Please do not mail credit card information under any circumstances.