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Welcome to Editor Hub

With over 140 years' experience curating and verifying scientific knowledge, we're here to support your journey as an Elsevier editor.

Our Editor Hub is the ultimate toolkit where you will find essential resources and expert guidance tailored to your needs and focused on your success.

Editor resources

Your Elsevier team

Benefit from the skills, knowledge and expertise of our staff in various departments and roles.

Editor Essentials training

The bespoke training suite for Elsevier editors — access today.

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Find out how to track the impact of your journal and its articles.

Working with reviewers

Explore how to find, support and recognize reviewers.

Working with authors

Discover how we support the thousands of authors who publish with us each year.

Additional resources

Equity, diversity and inclusion

We undertake a range of activities to support inclusion & diversity. Explore the available tools.

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Editor support

In need of assistance? Reach out to your publisher, journal manager or visit our support center opens in new tab/window. We're here to help!

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