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Empower pharmacists to make informed medication decisions

Elsevier’s drug information solutions help pharmacists identify safe medication alternatives, enhance patient education to promote adherence, and drive effective medication decisions.

female pharmacist sorting drugs

Discover how our tools can elevate your pharmacy practice today

Elsevier supports pharmacists to:

Elsevier assists pharmacists and other clinicians to find answers to the most current, clinically relevant, and accurate drug information in the market.

Male pharmacist explain medication to a mother and young daughter.

AI and the evolving role of the pharmacist

Elsevier helps empower and engage patients with the quality, person-centric information they need to ensure effective medication usage. Engage, educate, and empower your patients to make better medication decisions.

Male pharmacist holding a pill bottle looks up information on a tablet.

Trusted drug information supports pharmacists' medication decisions

Our cost reporting and formulary management tools help you make economical and sound decisions on medication alternatives, drug pricing with TRUE Daily Updates™, and more.

Medical professionals discussing

Explore our additional solutions to elevate your pharmacy practice

Enhance your pharmacy practice with Elsevier's Drug Information Solutions, offering comprehensive, accurate insights into medication dosages, interactions and more.  

Learn more about Elsevier's Drug Information Solutions, where evidence-based solutions empower you to make informed decision-making for enhanced patient care. 

Drug Information Solutions
A woman stands between two men in front of a laptop and points to information on the screen