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Illuminate your research impact with Researchfish

Researchfish is designed to help organisations that fund research (e.g. funders, charities, learned societies, universities, research centres and private organisations) to collect impact-related data to advocate and inform funding strategies.

Benefits of Researchfish

Understand the difference your funding is making

Enhance your strategic planning and decision-making with Researchfish data

Enhance strategic planning and decision-making with comprehensive Researchfish data, utilizing transparent and accountable reporting to identify successes. Highlight success stories to stakeholders, enable data-driven adjustments and inform decisions that support your strategic goals responsibly.

Narrate your research impact story

Generate powerful impact stories to demonstrate the progress of research and the difference it makes to society; spark further discussion and support from stakeholders.

Underwater view of swimmers

Identify areas of research that have the potential to make a difference

Ensure that your organisation is supporting the right research in the right way to generate the desired outcomes from that investment. Inform effective funding strategies supported by accurate and comprehensive data.

Evaluate research outputs and outcomes quickly and effectively

Collect comprehensive data on research outputs and outcomes to facilitate evaluation of the progress and success of funded projects.

See how Researchfish will enhance your role

Funders and charities: Researchfish helps funders, charities, foundations, societies and other funding organisations report on research impact beyond academia and inform future funding strategies.

Universities: Universities adopt Researchfish to track the outcomes of research funded via various sources, and to better evaluate and articulate the impact of their whole portfolio.

Who Researchfish is for

"Our strategy drove us to adopt Researchfish – to communicate the value of our activities we needed a standardised Research Impact Assessment platform. The benefits are now very clear – for the first time we have systematic reporting from all our grants and are able to clearly demonstrate the impact of our activities to all stakeholders. By adopting Researchfish you will be able to collect data immediately and gain a systematic knowledge of output. It is also good for researchers as they will have one system to report into rather than many. I would not hesitate to recommend Researchfish."


Thomas Alslev Christensen

Senior Vice President & Head of Impact Department at The Novo Nordisk Foundation