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SciBite text analytics and data enrichment tools help you get more from your data

SciBite semantic technology helps you answer business critical questions. From ontology management to text analysis, we help you produce machine-readable clean data to release the value and full potential of unstructured data.

SciBite hero image

Built by scientists for scientists

Ontology management: Make data interoperable

SciBite’s ontology management platform CENtreeopens in new tab/window is a centralized, enterprise-ready resource for ontology management. CENtree transforms how to maintain and release ontologies for research-led businesses.

  • Ingest multiple publicly available ontologies with one-click loading

  • Create custom ontologies from public and proprietary ontologies

  • Gain downstream insights through data mining and machine learning

  • Easily contribute and collaborate to ontology editing in a democratized process

  • Discover possible relationship connections for a given class via a deep learning component

SciBite CENtree - collaborative, comprehensive and extensible

Text analysis: Derive meaning from data

TERMiteopens in new tab/window (TERM identification, tagging and extraction) is a named entity recognition and extraction engine. TERMite is:

  • Interoperable: Maps your data to public ontologies to improve data interoperability

  • Ultra-fast: Processes millions of documents, e.g., the entire MEDLINE database or internal documents in minutes

  • Robust:

    • Enterprise-grade and scalable to billions of documents

    • Data mines millions of documents to identify critical mentions and relationships

    • Distinguishes “throwaway mentions” from terms that really matter

    • Applies rich vocabularies with over 20 million synonyms in 80+ topics

SciBite TERMite - ultra-fast, smart, scalable and flexible

Take the effort out of tabular data curation

Workbenchopens in new tab/window is a visual interface that allows users to annotate and cleanse tabular data, helping you build semi-automated, repeatable and scalable data FAIRification processes. Index and resolve entries to a selected standard using SciBite’s TERMite and VOCab technologies.

Workbench is:

  • Intuitive: Interactive sheet for fast and simple curation of data with terminology standards

  • Automated: Reproducible annotations using VOCabs or public/private ontologies

  • Repeatable: Store annotations and share rules to reduce the time to curate new data

Aerial view of misty pine forest with overlay of SciVal Workbench product features

Semantic search: Find all relevant data

SciBite Searchopens in new tab/window enables discovery across structured and unstructured public and proprietary data. It automates semantic enrichment and annotation, transforming unstructured scientific text into clean, contextualized data free from ambiguities like synonyms.

  • Load and search across millions of documents from a variety of sources, such as MEDLINE, and Sharepoint

  • Search structured database-type information and unstructured data, like Word docs, PowerPoints and PDFs

  • Leverage domain-specific ontologies answer complex questions and build a semantically linked network of documents

SciBite Search
Data Enrichment picto

FAIR data

SciBite tools help you prepare data to ensure it's findable and interoperable. Optimize data reuse by applying FAIR principles.
Ontology picto

Context-aware vocabularies

With 50+ scientific topics, our vocabularies offer far greater coverage than publicly available resources.
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Expert services

Experienced industry experts can help you build vocabularies and training sets, and develop and deploy deep learning models.