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Scopus supports researchers and authors with:

  • Searching for relevant topics/articles during the literature review phase

  • Deciding where to publish — analyze the top journals and authors in your discipline

  • Finding information to support your grant proposal or other funding applications

  • Exploring how many citations an article or author has received, and identifying potential collaborators

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Scopus for Authors features

Scopus supports editors and reviewers with:

  • Identifying and contacting potential new editorial board members

  • Evaluating an author's previously published work

  • Finding and evaluating referees and authors to review papers or contribute to special thematic issues

  • Quickly reviewing coverage of other journals

  • Monitoring journal trends; for example, comparing the current scope of a journal with citation patterns to see if a shift has occurred

Learn how to track journal performance using Scopus opens in new tab/window

Scopus for Editors features

Scopus supports educators and students with:

  • Finding resources to complement course materials, such as locating new articles or images to enhance lectures and engage students' interest

  • Identifying articles to inform the literature review process and support the development of research papers and theses

  • Uncover literature in adjacent disciplines to foster interdisciplinary exploration

  • Help students understand the scholarly conversation of a topic through reference lists and cited articles

Learn more about how Scopus can empower educators and students

Scopus for Educators features

Scopus supports librarians with:

  • Providing users with a global, comprehensive abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed publications

  • Linking quickly and accurately to full-text articles to optimize the research and learning experience

  • Increasing the visibility of and access to other library resources

  • Informing collection management decisions through analysis of highly-cited articles and journals

Use our Scopus LibGuides for tips to better support your users opens in new tab/window

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Scopus for Librarian features

Scopus supports research administrators with:

  • Assessing the scientific output of individual researchers or of your institution as a whole

  • Allocating financial resources to researchers or departments by tracking impact

  • Checking a researcher or a tenure candidate's production, citations and h-index, and comparing them to others in the same subject area

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Research administrators in a meeting
2024 Scopus Fact Sheet

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Customer Stories

A.T. Still University of Health Sciences

Hal Bright, Library Director at ATSU, explains how Scopus and Digital Commons support the university's research strategy, including reputation building and open access.

Learn how both solutions support ATSU's research strategy opens in new tab/window.

Image of A.T. Still University of Health Sciences

University of Nebraska Medical Center

UNMC’s librarians encourage students and researchers to leverage Scopus at every stage of their career.

Discover how UNMC helps researchers develop their profiles opens in new tab/window.

UNMC case study

University of California, Davis Health Care

Bruce Abbott, health librarian at UC Davis Health, discusses his go-to database for systematic reviews. Learn how Scopus delivers interdisciplinary and inclusive coverage opens in new tab/window.

UC Davis Health case study

University of California, Irvine

UC Irvine and UCI Health are leveraging Scopus to monitor, manage and measure research. Read how Scopus helps address a range of pressing research needs opens in new tab/window.

UC Irvine case study

Give researchers, teachers and students access to greater depth and breadth of authoritative information. Offer them Scopus.

Librarian helping student