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Researchers and institutions are under increasing pressure to demonstrate research impact. SSRN offers easy solutions to organize scholarly research and create a successful brand experience for institutions.
An interview with Professor J.J. Prescott of the University of Michigan Law School
An SSRN Research Paper Series provides your institution with strong brand awareness and the opportunity to grow your academic research across disciplines you choose.
An interview with Professor Bar-Siman-Tov of the Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Law
SSRN is the leading open access repository in the world. Your institutions recruitment and events benefit by direct access to SSRN Jobs & Announcements.
SSRN’s e-Journal Site Subscriptions are customized to your needs and deliver timely e-mail alerts to readers’ inboxes. There isn’t a more convenient, efficient way to collect Tomorrow’s Research Today.
Conference proceedings
Our Proceedings Hosting Solution offers an opportunity to archive and announce your proceedings within SSRN’s extensive library and community.
The SSRN publication venue is a dissemination platform and is very well received by our funds as another way to make research findings available to a broader audience.
Professor of Law & Associate Director, Transitional Justice Institute, Dalriada House, Ulster University, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Increase visibility – SSRN Research Paper Series (RPS)
Reach millions of readers globally
Research Paper Series offer your institution a way to showcase and distribute the research of your faculty and staff. Creating a Research Paper Series (RPS) for your institution will give you the most exposure for your faculty's work and is an excellent way to create awareness and disseminate your research.
Scholarly abstracts
Customized web page linked to key areas of your institutions website
Extend brand - Include your institutions logo on author pages
Interdisciplinary distribution – researchers’ working papers included in up to 12 SSRN thousand plus subject focused eJournals – broader awareness to your research
Collect valuable metrics to prove your institution’s level breadth of research
Enhance your institution’s brand
A Research Paper Series (RPS) is like e-mail marketing for a university's research output. Customers pay based on the number of papers they distribute each year in their series. Reach 250,000+ readers in the discipline you choose.
Key benefits:
Immediate and direct exposure to the foremost academics in a given field
A higher likelihood for collaboration between your researchers and those from other leading institutions around the world
More downloads and more citations for the same amount of effort from your researchers and administration
A dedicated SSRN consultant is available to support your research paper series, and your faculty to ensure regular distribution.
Partners In Publishing
SSRN hosts research papers from publishers and other organizations. A great way to showcase research in a particular area of interest.
First Look
First Look is a place where journals and other research experts identify content of interest prior to publication. It can include a wide range of early stage content types including working papers, proceedings, preprints, accepted papers, and papers under consideration.
Curated eJournal Site Subscriptions
eJournal Site Subscriptions allow institutions to ensure their academics are in the know about the latest research trends and gain granular awareness of innovative activities in their field.  eJournal Site Subscriptions can be customized to meet your institutional needs, including number of subscribers and research areas of interest.
Save your researcher’s time
eJournal Alerts are automated notifications that announce the new papers that have been posted on the SSRN site. Customers pay based on the number of users receiving the alerts.
Key benefits:
Keep your researchers current in their field
Focus on innovative ideas & collaboration with fellow scholars with similar pursuits
Curated alerts delivered right to your scholars inboxes about the latest research trends
I don't know any other site where there are 70,000 people and a million papers on the site. It's incredible. So, to communicate with them and as a research tool; it's a great avenue to use. SSRN is also one of the first places I would go for the breadth of topics and breadth of authors. It also has a lot of credibility with highly respected authors.
Head of Research, Financial Institution, Baking & Finance
Jobs & Announcements
SSRN is the leading open access repository in the world. Your institutions recruitment and events benefit by direct access to SSRN.
Connect the right minds with the right disciplines and maximize your exposure for your job openings, opportunities, and other important announcements.
Target around the globe
Weekly distribution to targeted scholarly discipline(s)
Conferences can extend the life and reach of their proceedings with SSRN’s Proceedings Hosting solution. Showcase your proceedings on a permanent, logo-branded page. Announce your proceedings to global subscribers in the discipline you choose.
Gain additional visibility for your conference across the SSRN platform. Distribution of a custom Conference eJournal is also available.