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RDM white papers and case studies

Whitepaper: Research Data Management - Tracking Institutional Research Data

With today’s high level of interest in research integrity, transparency and openness, reinforced by policies sharing this direction, research data is rapidly rising up the agenda and now it’s time for action. Find out how to elevate your research excellence with Elsevier’s Research Intelligence toolset.

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Use cases for research tracking opens in new tab/window

Your 10-step plan to begin tracking your institutional research data opens in new tab/window

Tracking institutional research data

University of Canberra Case study: Building an integrated research data management framework around Pure

Discover what the University of Canberra did in response to The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research which came into effect in 2019 and dictated principles of how data is stored, accessed and shared, and laid the onus of compliance on institutions and individual researchers. 

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University of Canberra case study

University of Groningen Case study: How Groningen is drawing on the insights gleaned from Data Monitor to shape strategic thinking

The university was tasked with overhauling their research data storage in order to meet new research data guidelines and practices for funders. Scientific Information Specialist Christina Elsenga needed to find a way to track down research data and input into Pure, which is how their work with Data Monitor began.

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University of Groningen Case study cover image

Fact sheet for librarians

10 things I wish I had known before my institution introduced RDM

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Factsheet image

Factsheet for researchers

6 great reasons you should engage with research data management

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RDM fact sheet for researchers

Metadata Matters: Identifying Research Communities and Estimating Author Influence in Networks

This work illustrates how clustering of author communities can be improved by using metadata about the authors (such as subject area or institutional affiliation) to supplement network structure based on co-authorship or citation relationships. Using such metadata can improve clustering significantly, both in terms of human interpretability and by allowing detection of smaller groups – but weighting metadata too highly in relation to network structure can be detrimental.

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