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Translational and Applied Genomics

Aim & scope

This book series seeks to meet this growing demand from researchers and clinicians for more synthesizing information on human genomics research, and pathways towards clinical translation and drug discovery.

The nature of the series’ content will be use case oriented for the various audience segments in applied and translational genomics, including those involved with the application of recent genomic discoveries, approaches, and technology in new genomics research, clinical genomic testing, genomic drug discovery and therapeutics, as well as educational, ethical, economic, public health, citizen and policy issues pertinent to research advances.

Written and edited by leading international researchers and clinicians working in genomics, the series is primarily intended for researchers, clinicians, and students in genomics, genetics, and related biomedical disciplines at the graduate level and above, including those working in medical, academic, corporate (i.e., pharma), or non-profit settings. Its ethics mission is to enable global benefit sharing of genomic advances through the publication of foundational, consensus building content, to aid and empower implementation of genomic medicine and to improve population health globally.

translational and applied genomics cover


Researchers and clinicians in the field of translational genomics and precision medicine; medical practitioners and biomedical researchers across medical disciplines as well as systems biology, molecular medicine, epidemiology, and pharmaceutical science; genetic counsellors; genomic researchers in industry and pharma; health managers in various clinical settings; public health officers; health policy makers; health economists; governmental organizations; allied health professionals; graduate and undergraduate students in biomedical sciences, bioinformatics, bioengineering, public health, and public policy

Series Editor

Prof. Dr. George P. Patrinos


Prof. Dr. George P. Patrinos

Full Professor

University of Patras School of Health Sciences, Department of Pharmacy, Patras. Greece

Read more about Prof. Dr. George P. Patrinos

Translational and Applied Genomics
