Translational Immunology
Aim & scope
Translational Immunology is a major new suite of books in immunology, which cover both basic and clinical immunology. The series seeks to discuss and provide foundational content from bench to bedside in immunology.
The Series’ goal is to enhance knowledge, and present update on hot topics in the field of immunology; specifically, the series aims to translate results and recent findings of studies into clinical practice.
Written and edited by leading international scientists, the series is primarily intended for researchers, clinicians, and students in immunology at the graduate level and above, including those working in academic, corporate, or non-profit settings.

Its ethics mission is to enable global benefit sharing of advances in the field of immunology through the publication of foundational, consensus building content.
The Translational Immunology series seeks to provide wide coverage across areas of Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and Autoimmunity (NIIMA), which is one of main area of science without borders in Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN). Possible subject areas covered by Series Volumes include: Autoimmunity, Allergy, Infection and Immunity, Inborn Errors of Immunity, Immunodeficiencies, AIDS, Immunopharmacology, Transplantation, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, Neuroimmunology, Vaccination.
Researchers, clinicians, and students in the field of immunology at the graduate level and above, including those working in academic, corporate, or non-profit settings.
Secondary Markets
Immunologists, clinical immunologists and allergists, rheumatologists, haematologists and oncologists, and paediatricians.
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