
Sylvain Girard
Universite St. Etienne, France
Title of the invited talk: Understanding Radiation Effects on Silica-based Optical Fibers: from Radiation-Hardening Studies to Fiber Dosimetry
Sylvain Girard is a Full Professor at the Laboratoire Hubert Curien from Université Jean Monnet (UJM), France since 2012. He is today leading the MOPERE research group and is one of the founders of the LabH6 joint research lab between UJM, CNRS and the industrial Exail. His main research axis deals with the radiation effects on photonic technologies, in particular fiber-based technologies. He has authored or co-authored more than 300 peer-reviewed papers. Sylvain received the 2013 IEEE NPSS Early Achievement Award, the 2014 IEEE/SEE Léon-Nicolas Brillouin Award from and the 2021 Research Prize from the iXcore, iXblue, iXlife Foundation. In 2023, he has been nominated as a Senior Member of the Academic Institute of France, IUF.
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