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Emerging from the perfect storm: Break the unsustainable cycles challenging nursing today

Listen to this panel discussion to learn how you can take action against today’s top nursing challenges and return to progress.

NG Healthcare Summit panel video

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NG Healthcare Summit panel video

Today’s healthcare organizations are faced with mounting nursing challenges. Applying bandages, like relying on staffing agencies, is only a temporary fix. But these interim solutions are unsustainable. High turnover and the accelerating nursing shortage are widening the experience-complexity gap, leading to a dire cycle that’s negatively impacting nurses and patient care. It’s critical to provide the right support for your increasingly novice workforce to strengthen their competence, confidence, and satisfaction to provide quality patient care.


  • Lya M. Cartwright-Stroupe, DNP, APRN, CPNP, NEA-BC, NPD-BC Transition to Practice Program Director, West Virginia University Hospitals

  • Michele Szkolnicki, M.Ed., BSN, RN, FACHE, CMPE SVP, Chief Nursing Officer, Penn State Health

  • Tiffany McCauley, MSN, RN Clinical Executive, Elsevier

  • Paula F. Coe, DNP, MSN, RN, NEA-BC Vice President, Nursing Education and Professional Practice, Allegheny Health Network

Learn more about how Elsevier's education and support solutions can help you prepare your novice nurses.