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Journal partnerships

We provide institutes, universities and societies with publishing excellence and connect Chinese scholars with the international academic communities, helping our customers to enhance the global visibility of their content and stay cutting-edge in their field.

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What we offer

Journal management

  • Content hosting on ScienceDirect in Open Access alongside 2,600+ academic journals by Elsevier and leading academic societies, including Cell Press and The Lancet

  • State of the art production services combined with the latest publishing standards

  • Editorial Manager©, a robust and highly customizable editorial system, with integrated support tools like plagiarism check and interfaces for manuscript transfers and journal ecosystems

  • Dedicated publishing support by experienced subject matter experts

  • Specialized trainings and technical support for authors, editors and reviewers

Professional woman speaking to peers

Journal development

  • Strategic publishing support tailored for needs in China

  • Data-driven integrated reporting tools, free access to Scopus and ScienceDirect, and in-depth individual analyses to empower the editorial team with strategic insights into journal performance

  • International marketing campaigns and support for abstracting and indexing services to grow global impact and drive submissions

Colleagues in a team meeting

The unique advantages of Elsevier co-publishing

  • By creating internationally attractive publishing outlets you are seen to do better and more innovative research and will gain international recognition and collaboration

  • Increasing the reach, visibility and discoverability of the journal supported by Elsevier’s systems, broad networks, and marketing channels, in both China and around the globe

  • Enabling for rigorous editorial quality, clear process, and adherence to ethical standards with best-practice tools

  • Extensive, high-quality international network of authors, editors and reviewers worldwide

  • Getting access to guidance, reports, data, and publishing insights to maximize impact

  • A competitive and growing revenue stream

Co-published journals:

The Innovation se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana published by Cell Press in partnership with members of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association (YIPA), a part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Cover image - The Innovation

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, journal partnership among Elsevier, Institute of Materia Medica, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.

CiteScore: 10.5 Impact Factor: 7.097

Cover image - Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B

Science Bulletin se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, journal partnership among Elsevier, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

CiteScore: 9.0 Impact Factor: 9.511

Cover image - Science Bulletin

Journal of the National Cancer Center se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, published by Cell Press in partnership with members of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association (YIPA), a part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Cover image - Journal of National Cancer Center

Engineering se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, journal partnership between Elsevier and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

CiteScore: 8.2 Impact Factor: 6.495

Cover image - Engineering

Journal of Materials Science & Technology se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, journal partnership between Elsevier and the Chinese Society for Metals (CSM).

CiteScore: 8.2 Impact Factor: 6.155

Cover image - Journal of Materials Science & Technology

Case studies

Elsevier brings core values to support internationalization development of Science Bulletin.

Case study - Science Bulletin

Cell Press collaborates with Chinese Academy of Sciences to create a new era of journal partnership in the plant science field.

Case study - Cell Press & Chinese Academy of Sciences

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