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Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes

Aim & scope

“Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes” includes titles focused on specific species or taxa across disciplinary boundaries and spatial scales – from genes to landscapes. Volumes in the series are edited and written by prominent scholars and practitioners to illuminate and advance biodiversity science and conservation. Each volume covers topics appropriate for the genes to landscapes theme, including evolution, behavior, physiology, genetics, ecology, conservation, restoration, sustainability, policy and management, and more.

Biodervisity of the world volumes cover


Students, researchers, and industry professionals (e.g., resource managers, conservationists, policymakers) in disciplines related to animal biology, evolution, behavior, and biodiversity, including those working specifically with endangered species

Publish a Book with this Series

For further information about the Biodiversity of the World series, please contact Series Editor Karin Schwartz ([email protected] se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana) and Elsevier Acquisitions Editor Simonetta Harrison ([email protected] se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana). If you are interested in publishing an edited title within this series, please populate and submit the below Book Proposal Form to the same parties.

Information for Authors

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Contact an Acquisitions Editor

Series Editor



Karin R. Schwartz

Records Manager

Department of Animal Care, Roger Williams Park Zoo, Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Leer más acerca de Karin R. Schwartz

Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes
